Our Top 7 Tips for Getting the Most from Your Photo Session
April 30, 2020
Every photo session is different. While there are a few variables that are outside of everyone’s control, such as the exact lighting conditions on that day, or which part of the emotional roller coaster your five year old is on at the moment, there are plenty of things that are within control. You’ve taken your time to choose a professional photographer who can deliver the results you’re looking for and you can trust them to handle their end, now let’s consider what you should do to be fully prepared. Here are a handful of tips to give you a leg up before and during your photo session:
1. Come well rested and well fed.
Being well prepared at least a day before your session and leaving yourself more time than you think you will need on the ‘day of’ will drastically reduce stress and result in a more relaxed and fun session. Prepare your (and/or your family’s) wardrobe beforehand and allow extra time before the session. Do your best to arrive a few minutes early.
Sessions are often scheduled a few hours before sunset, aka dinner time. If you plan to eat afterward, make sure everyone has had a snack to hold them over.
2. Keep color and style choices simple. Think timeless.
Fashions come and go. Your photos are going to be around forever and we want you to enjoy them for just as long. While you may inevitably look back some day and share a laugh over how things have changed, we aim to deliver photos with a timeless look.
Stick to neutral, light, and solid color choices or outfits with simple, clean lines. White, beige, gray, and black typically photograph the best because they complement your skin tone and contrast with outdoor backgrounds. Feel free to add in some pops of color, but keep it subtle and leave the bright neons at home. Avoid busy or distracting patterns, as well as logos and designs, which will pull attention away from you, our main subject.
We’ve written other blog posts to help guide your outfit choices depending on the season and you can browse our Pinterest boards to kick start your inspiration.
3. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
Check the weather a few days prior to your session and then again that morning. Make sure your clothing is a balance between style and comfort. You don’t want to be in the middle of an otherwise fantastic session regretting that long sleeve shirt. While shoes can be an important part of your style they can also be a hindrance depending on the conditions. If the weather has been soggy in the past week you will want to consider bringing a pair of boots or shoes that you don’t care about to slip on when walking from one spot to another.
You will always know where your photo session is going to happen beforehand. If we chose the location then we’ll provide some details on what to expect. We regularly scout out our favorite photo spots so that we’re intimately familiar with them. If the weather is especially bad we’ll stay in touch to discuss whether or not we should reschedule.

4. Be yourself.
Bring a warm smile, a good attitude, and be open to goofing around, but don’t attempt to be someone else. Your photos will look best when they reflect your own personality. Get ready to play with your kids, give your wife or fiancée a kiss on the cheek.. or lips.. or neck. Laugh, joke, skip, bear crawl. We’re going to ask you to do a few goofy things and some things you’d be happy to do with your significant other, but probably aren’t used to doing in front of a camera. It’s easier when you don’t feel like you’re among complete strangers, which is why we love to connect with you before the session and will always take time at the very beginning to get to know each other. We’re going to be good friends by the end of this whole thing, but why not start earlier?
5. Don’t worry about poses or particular photos.
We’ve got that covered, but if you have a specific shot in mind don’t be afraid to propose it with an example beforehand. We love inspiration and are constantly in search of it. That’s part of why we have plenty of ideas on how to get you into position for some excellent photos.
Since our style focuses less on ‘poses’ and more on authentic interactions you need not worry about bringing a shot list of your own. We’ll be sure to grab a few traditional shots throughout the session and if you have something in mind that you’ve seen and just can’t live without we’d love to see an example beforehand. Hit us up on social media or send us an email.

6. Bring only what’s necessary.
You might need a bottle of water or an umbrella, or maybe some snacks for the kids afterwards, but you don’t want to be carrying around an extra jacket, backpack or unnecessary props. If your session includes a change of outfit or if we’ve previously discussed some props being incorporated then we’ll likely leave those with the car and determine the best time to return.
7. Relax. Don’t sweat the details.
Above all, you should walk away from your photo session feeling like you enjoyed yourself. If you found yourself laughing and having fun that will be reflected in the photos and you’ll end up with some fantastic shots. That’s what we all want, right? So remember to relax and have a good time.
We hope these seven tips were helpful in preparing you for a great portrait session. The key point to remember is to control what you can beforehand and don’t sweat the things that you can’t control. When you relax and forget any other distractions the camera can focus on you and capture your true personality.